Terms of Service

Terms of Service ( ToS )

§1 Consulting Fees for Supercar Transactions Worldwide

TVA (Valued Added Tax) only applies for clients based in Switzerland & Liechtenstein.

  • Regular Clients (No Marketplace Membership)
    • For transactions up to CHF 3,000,000:
      • 5% consulting fee with a minimum of CHF 50,000 per transaction.
    • For transactions above CHF 5,000,000:
      • 4% consulting fee with a minimum of CHF 200,000 per transaction.
If you wish to sell your car or want to get full access to the app AND benefit greatly from reduced transaction fees, we ask that you join the Elite Community of verified collectors and market leading suppliers and to create an account.
  • Members of FSC24 Marketplace apps (B2B or Collectors Only)
    • For transactions up to CHF 1,250,000:
      • 5% consulting fee with a minimum of CHF 25,000 per transaction.
    • For transactions above CHF 1,250,000:
      • 4% consulting fee with a minimum of CHF 75,000 per transaction.
    • For transactions above CHF 5,000,000:
      • 3% consulting fee with a minimum of CHF 150,000 per transaction.

§2 Search Order

  • Regular Clients (No Marketplace Membership)
    • CHF 5,000 (+7.7% TVA) per order.
  • Members of FSC24 Marketplace & FSC24
    • One free search order per membership year for Off-Marketplace members.
    • Additional search orders at a reduced rate of CHF 2,500 (+7.7% TVA).
    • For Marketplace members, each search order is CHF 2,500 (+7.7% TVA).

§3 Digital Valuation Certificate for Your Supercar

  • CHF 1,500 (+7.7% TVA) per car.

§4 Daily Retainer

  • CHF 5,000 (+7.7% TVA) per day.
  • Provides expert advice on various aspects of car transactions.

§5 FSC24 Marketplace Membership

  • CHF 1,200 (+7.7% TVA) per member annually.
  • Provides access to investment-grade car opportunities and reduced transaction costs.
  • Search order is 50% discounted, only CHF 2,500 (+7.7% TVA) per member annually.

§6 FSC24 “Collectors Only” Membership

  • CHF 2,400 (+7.7% TVA) per member annually.
  • Provides access to exclusive investment-grade supercar opportunities and reduced transaction costs, plus one free search order per year.

§7 Membership, Business Ethics, Membership Application, and Renewal

  • Membership is by invitation or recommendation, emphasizing ethical business practices.
  • The service provider reserves the right to refuse or cancel membership for violation of business principles.

§8 Technical Support, Login, Applications, and Notifications

§9 Effectiveness of New Terms and Conditions

  • Effective for new customers and members from March 21, 2024.

§10 Replacement of Current Terms and Conditions

  • Effective for existing customers and members from April 8, 2024.

§11 Final Provisions

  • Governed by Swiss law; disputes handled exclusively in Swiss courts.
  • Amendments require written mutual consent.
  • Severability clause included.

§12 Acceptance

  • Customers must receive and accept these terms before transactions begin.

Published on www.fsc24.ch/tos on Mar 21, 2024.

🏆 • award winning unicorns 🦄
📈 • investment-grade supercar assets
💵 • find off-market opportunities
🛬 • we ship and transact worldwide


Business hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday ( CET )

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FSC24 GmbH ⇧⇧⇧ Switzerland
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